Canadian College and University Environmental Network Réseau Canadien des Collèges et des Universités en Environnement

Member Profiles



Environmental Science Program . . . more

Assiniboine Community College...more


Faculty of Agricultural . . . more


Canadore College. . . more


Outdoor Recreation Tourism. . . more
Social Sciences. . . more


Institute of Environmental Science . . .  more

Confederation College . . .  more

Environmental Science . . . more


ECO Canada . . . more


Fleming College School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences (SENRS) . . . more


Vanier College...more


Environmental Technician and Technology Programs. . . more


The King's University. . . more


Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario
Master of Environmental Studies
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies


Lambton College...more


Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment . . . more


Mount Royal University...more


Nova Scotia Community College....more


Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management . . . more


Faculty of Environment . . . more

 School of Environment and Sustainability - University of Saskatchewan...more

Thompson Rivers University...more


Trinity Western University...more


Trent University...more


School of the Environment . . . more


University of Winnipeg . . . more


University of Prince Edward Island . . . more


Yukon University. . . more


Selkirk College. . . more